- The site map should be the simplest page on your web site.
- Do not give a fancy name to the site map link such as "Web Site Tree" - keep it as "Site map", this way your visitors understand immediately what you mean.
- You should always avoid "dynamic" site maps. Those in which the visitors have to "work" their way to get hold of information. Remember, the reason visitors comes to a site map page is because they are lost. To make them work again for something that you can display as a simple static link will just kill the purpose of having a site map.
- If the site map is list of text links, be sure to use the TITLE attribute of the anchor tag and include keywords inside it.
- It is a good idea to put a sentence describing the page contents below the link for that page on a site map.
- A site map should not be the primary navigation on your web site it should complement it.
- A link to the site map page is very important and all pages should carry this link. The site map link can be included with other links in the main menu on your web site or placed at a section on the web page from which is it clearly visible.
- Other important aspects on a web site should complement site maps. For example, for visited links should be different color from that of non-visited links so that visitors understand which pages they have already seen and thus, save time.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Good Site Map Contain Some Importent point
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Site Map in SEO
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
RSS Feed: Show Different Type Of Information
1.Blogs Feed: Many blogs are catalogued in an RSS feed, with each blog entry summarized as a feed item. This makes it easy for visitors to scan blog posts for items of interest.
RSS Feed::Warning and Remember
1. If you create the file using Dreamweaver or a similar tool becareful that it does not strip out tags it feels are redundant. In order to be be an RSS feed your file needs at bare minimum that tags that were discussed above, and the file will not be valid if tags are stripped out.
2.check your work! Once your file is complete and uploaded einter it into the feed validator.
Syndication / Submission:
If you've made it this far you are in good shape it is time to "syndicate" your content! Submit your RSS feed (the xml file you created) to sites just like you would submit a web page. Some of the more popular sites that accept RSS files can be found under "Post RSS Feed".
RSS Feed::How To Create
Everyday more and more websites, news services and blogs are adding RSS content. RSS is a method of syndicating content.The concept of aggregating content in one central location or repository is very appealing. Consumers have become tired of push technology, RSS allows users the flexibility to regain control of their content. RSS feed creators provide content without forcing it on consumers. In fact with RSS consumers are able to choose the content they wish to view.
RSS feeds contain what are referred to as "items". The items are usually connected in some way and contain a common theme or other similarity.
Each item contains:
* title
* description
* link
The title and description should be written to describe the content and the link should reference the webpage that contains that actual content.
Like html, the xml file uses open and close tags to designate the title, description and link. Tags are enclosed in brackets <>, like standard html and the close tag contains a forward slash /.
FeedForAll - will easily create feeds for you!
The following is what an item in a xml file looks like:
title : The Title Goes Here /title
descritpion: The description goes here /description
link :http://www.linkgoeshere.com /link
As I mentioned earlier, an RSS feeds contains items and like the tags above, an open and close tag is used to distinguish between items.
title:The Title Goes Here /title
descritpion: The description goes here /description
link : http://www.linkgoeshere.com /link
title: Another Title Goes Here /title
descritpion: Another description goes here /description
link: http://www.anotherlinkgoeshere.com /link
Now an RSS Feed is a series of items, these items are chained together to create what is called a "Channel".
The Channel appears at the top of the file and tells people how the items relate to each other. Like items channels use title, description and link tags to describe its content. The open channel tag
title: The Channel Title Goes Here /title
description: The explanation of how the items are related goes here /description
link: http://www.directoryoflinksgohere /link
title: The Title Goes Here /title
descritpion:The description goes here /description
link:http://www.linkgoeshere.com /link
title: Another Title Goes Here /title
descritpion :Another description goes here /description
link:http://www.anotherlinkgoeshere.com /link
Finally you will need to designate the file by indicating it is an XML file by inserting xml and rss defining tags at the beginning and at the very end.
?xml version="1.0"?
rss version="2.0"
title: The Channel Title Goes Here /title
description: The explanation of how the items are related goes here /description
link:http://www.directoryoflinksgohere /link
title: The Title Goes Here /title
descritpion: The description goes here /description
link : http://www.linkgoeshere.com /link
item :
title: Another Title Goes Here /title
descritpion: Another description goes here /description
link: http://www.anotherlinkgoeshere.com /link
When you save the file be sure to save it as an xml file.
Article source: http://www.rss-specifications.com/creating-rss-feeds.htm
What is RSS ? Why and How used it.
RSS is a Technology or Web feed formats used for publish curretly new updated works – like blog content posing, news headlines, audio, and video in a standardized format.RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication’(RSS 2.0) also ‘news feed’.The meaning of 'feed' is simply rss documents.The format of RSS is XML and file extension is .rss or.xml.